
Best British Lamb

Shetland Breed

Subtle flavours and good cooking quality are features of the Shetland breed.


Ryeland - a Herefordshire breed renowned for succulent shoulder and leg joints.

Dartmoor Lamb

Dartmoor - a good-sized breed from the moors of Devon which produces sweet and flavoursome lamb.

Cheviot Lambs

Bred on the wild and beautiful Cheviot Hills in North Northumberland, this free-range product has the distinct natural taste produced from living in the hills and eating heather.

Texal Cross Lamb

From the salt flats on the North Northumberland coast, these lambs grow fairly quickly on the lush coastal pastures and careful breeding ensures a well-finished lamb ready for the butcher.

We can supply:
- Leg Joints
- Rolled Shoulder
- Double Loin Chops
- Racks of Lamb
- Single Loin Chops
- Minced Lamb
- Stewing Lamb